
Back At It

... And we're back! Had a solid month of finishing up track and starting triathlon season... Now it's time  restart the crossfit engine/blog/schedule/lifestyle once more.

Fitting for tonight's post... Change.
Little philosophy to kick it all off again.
Considering that things have kind of changed since I last wrote regarding priorities athletically and generally, it is interesting to note how much can change in such a little time. And by extension, how much more things can change in a long time. 
For example, my outlook on crossfit has changed. (Not much, don't worry)
For me personally, it has changed from a main attraction to an implement in my toolbox to help me achieve a goal - good placing at triathlon nationals. That's a big change relative to how I viewed it before, but because it's realistic (I probably don't have a future in crossfit, but I probably have a future in triathlon) I am cool with it. Apparently it's still pretty darn important because I'm writing a blog post about it at 10:32 PM. 
Additionally, and probably more relevant to all of the people I interact with daily, is that I have cooled off a lot about asking people to come workout with me. True, I love it when I get a couple bros over and we have an awesome workout and feel great, but I've decided to stop really asking people. I've made my point: I'm down for a workout wherever, whenever, with whoever. If they want to come and indulge in the swole, they (you) are welcome to. I feel like this may fix people's whole over-zealous-crossfitter perception of me and possibly bring some more interest. Who knows?

Anyways,  I'll be upgrading the whole "Programming" section of the blog around triathlon training, and I will be listing some of the stuff I'm doing for my endurance work, along with the daily wods and strength.

For now, here's the plan tomorrow: (it's a recovery day)

20 mile bike ride in the morning

3x5 back squat @ 60-70%, focus on speed.

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