Crossfit Lingo

Your #1 resource for decoding the confusing jargon I put on this blog. This is a running list of the most common words that people don't know, so I will naturally be missing some terms. If I'm missing a term you want to know, just put it in the comments and I'll help you out!

1RM - the max amount of weight you can lift on a given movement on a given day. Slightly different than a PR (personal record) because a 1RM does not necessarily have to be your all-time PR.

AMRAP - a workout with a set time in which you complete As Many Reps As Possible within the given time frame.

Box - a crossfit gym. Think inside the box.

Clean and Jerk (C&J) - one of the two Olympic lifts. The lifter moves the bar from the floor to the shoulders, and then to overhead. The Clean and Jerk is one of the best full-body exercises you can do.

Double-unders (DU) - jump roping where the rope passes around your body twice in one jump.

EMOM - a workout where you complete a given amount of work as fast as you can Every Minute On the Minute for the number of minutes specified.

"For Time" workouts - no magic here; you do the given amount of reps in the workout as fast as you can. Similar to an AMRAP, but you know exactly how much work you're doing.

Muscle-up (MU) - a move that is performed on gymnastics rings by linking a pullup and a ring dip. Essentially pulling up and over the rings, ending locked out on top.

Thruster - classic staple in Crossfit, it is basically a front squat followed by a push press.

SDHP - Sumo Deadlift High Pull. The bar or kettlebell begins on the ground (below the knees if it's a bare bar) and is pulled up to the chin. Similar to rowing.

Snatch - the other Olympic lift. The bar travels from the ground to overhead without stopping at the shoulder. The Snatch is a close second to the Clean and Jerk in terms of power production, but requires much more skill and practice.

WOD - workout of the day.

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