
The Crew

This photo is one of my all-time favorites. Just one of many different workouts with many different, great people. Working out with partners always gives you that extra push, but sometimes you can also rely on them to pull you through some of the tougher workouts. It's all about getting together, having a good time, and getting skrong while you're at it. If you're not having a good time, you're not crossfitting.


I didn't end up going to the gym this morning, but I hit a gnarly skill sesh/EMOM this evening:

3 rounds (not for time)
- 50 double-unders
- 6 muscle ups


Odd minutes:
- 7 kettlebell swings 70#
- 7 box jumps 30"
Even minutes: 
- 7 toes to bar
- 7 burpees 


Good thing I had my KILLCLIFF! (Don't worry - it's a recovery drink, not a homicidal mantra against an unfortunate fellow named Cliff.) This brings me to Cam's topic of the day: supplements. Disclaimer! These are just my personal views, what works for me, etc. Not trying to impose anything on you guys.
Get it? Got it? Good.

First question I always get asked when I talk about lifting with my friends: "What kind of pre-workout do you use?" And when I say no to that, they ask me if I use creatine. Same answer.
The closest thing to a pre-workout you'll catch me having is some eggs and a ton of water. Maybe some bacon if it's a good day. I always perform better when I don't have to worry about whether or not I have enough calories to do the workout. And if you know me, I'm always excited about something (particularly working out), so I don't need the buzz that a pre-workout would give me. Basically I don't use pre-workout because I don't need it. Plain and simple.
Creatine is a similar story. All creatine does is it forces water into your muscles. That's great for body builders, but I train for performance, so I don't need it. Stay hydrated, folks. That's all there is to it.

A similar question is whether or not I drink a protein shake after working out. Yes! I do. I have a protein called Pure Power something by a guy named Mercola. Super granola. But it tastes good and it's pretty cheap and I can feel the difference when I use it, so I do. If you're thinking more mainstream, Progenex has some awesome stuff. They make some cool shirts too. KILLCLIFF tastes phenomenal and the company supports a good cause, but it's not protein. I like it as a sort of delicacy after particularly brutal workouts. I've got links for all of these in the links tab. (Surprise!) The bottom line is, do your on research and buy your own stuff. Whatever works for you, works for you.

Also, anyone who has had the great privilege of consuming a Nutty Buddy directly from God's personal garden stream (my kitchen) knows that it tastes like sunshine and the laughter of small children. It is also a killer post workout drink. (More killer than KILLCLIFF? Who knows! Haha...) I'll be posting a link to the recipe to share the goodness with all of you. You're welcome.

What pre- or post-workouts do you take? I'd love to hear suggestions for my next stuff!

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