
Dinner of Champions

Working pause squats today... Gotta love the pain face.

Russians say, "If you can't fix it with squats and fish oil, you're probably going to die." Ain't that the truth.

Speaking of fish oil...
As you probably guessed from the title, I'm writing about food today. Specifically, organic food. Most people, once I tell them I eat organic, instantly write me off as one of those granola folk who drives a wood-paneled station wagon, wears peace sign necklaces, and says "dude" and "gnarly" way too much. Okay, I do say "dude" and "gnarly" too much. You get the point. People think that organic is synonymous with hippie... Not the case.

Food is as important to performance as training. In training you break down your body so that during recovery it builds back stronger. If you don't feed your muscles the best fuel in order to rebuild,  your final product will be suboptimal. It's basic logic.

For example, here's what was for dinner tonight:

100% organic, 100% towards improving my performance.

Admittedly, this was an especially good meal. For the most part though, it's a good example of what a performance based diet should look like: protein, veggies, some starches, no wheat. That's also almond milk in the corner, not cow milk. 

Although organic is your best option, conventionally grown "real food" (see above) is a close second. Both of these options are far better than, say, a Nutella & Fluff sandwich on white bread. Your performance is on the line. 

In four words: Eat clean, perform better. 

Tonight, instead of mobility (but bonus points if you throw mobility in there too), cook yourself a quality meal. Treat your engine to the 93 octane instead of the 85. 


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