
Calm Before The Storm

Throwback to right before the "Barbells for Boobs" breast cancer fundraiser at the gym last October! First Crossfit "competition" ever... Good times.


Tomorrow is 14.4! After tomorrow, it's four Open workouts down, one to go. I'll miss Open season! For those of you wondering, the Open is an annual five week long worldwide Crossfit competition where everyone has a chance to compete and compare with everyone else in the world. It's a pretty cool event because you can track your improvements from year to year and push yourself and your friends in a competitive environment, not to mention stacking up against the rest of the world!

Here's the plan:

- 60 calorie row
- 50 toes-to-bar
- 40 wallballs
- 30 cleans, 135#
- 20 muscle-ups

It's gonna be a good one! I hope to get to the muscle ups...

Along with the competition naturally comes some stress. Right now, I'm trembling on my foam roller because this looks like something out of a Crossfit horror movie. (Million dollar idea?)

Mindset is gonna be the name of the game tomorrow. Just like it is in every workout, and really every other aspect of life in general. I've talked a lot in the past couple posts about the team helping you and  whatnot, but sometimes it's just you and the bar, or the rings, or the wallball (my personal nemesis). As one of my coaches says, "you've got to be willing to go in the [pain] cave over and over." He has a good point. It takes courage and a certain level of insanity to make yourself hurt so much all the time working in the gym. However, I think that by putting forth the best effort possible in a workout and getting surprising results, you - dare I say - bolster your self-confidence in other aspects of your life. I know I'm getting a little philosophical, I know. Deal with it.

Anyways, I'm trying to keep it short tonight any give you guys a break. I know I can be long-winded sometimes.

For those of you coming on Sunday, work on hip mobility. Sumo (wide stance) squats, lacrosse ball rolling, foam rolling, etc. Anything to loosen up your hips and legs for the workout. The mobilityWOD link is in the links tab at your disposal. Kelly has some awesome stuff to check out and try.


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