
West Coast

My good friend Whitley from California showing some love for the gym! Believe it or not, she's actually the one who got me into Crossfit in the first place. Maybe she'll be in attendance at some future workouts here... Keep an eye out!

Zamcave. Week 1. Day 4. 

Work to a heavy complex:
- Power clean
- Low hang squat clean


- 6 pistols (3 each leg)
- 3 HSPU

When the clock hits 10 minutes,

- 5 burpees
- 5 strict pullups


And now, for your weekly dose of philosophy direct from the mind of Ca Zam...

Motivation! The topic of the night. I have been having some trouble lately with motivation and accountability to my training and school and such. I have no idea why, but I'm in a slump. For that, I write about motivation and general sticktoitiveness. (That's a word, believe me.)

I believe that sometimes, despite our best efforts, it's possible to slack on something and mentally wear away. Multiple bad days in a row, a failed lift that was once easy, and even the weather can all take tolls. Those 3 were what really took it out of me this weekend. But, how to fix it? The million dollar question. Going off of past posts, it might be expected that as usual I will now go on a rant about teamwork and such. Although the team helps, I feel like the one true way to get out of this sort of situation really comes from inside... I wasn't lying when I said it was a dose of philosophy.

Self-motivation is critical in really every aspect of life. Usually something like a slump or an off week is caused by a lapse in motivation. I can't really say how to get yourself motivated (other than listening to Eminem... He says it himself in Rap God), but just know that the work you put in today, whether school or sport or whatever you do, is building to something greater. And when that day comes and you've reached that something greater, you won't even remember the rough times you had. I take that back- you will - and the memory of them will make the greatness of your accomplishment all the sweeter. Man, now even I'm pumped. 

Now with your newfound - or boosted - motivation (I hope), here's a video on Kevin Ogar and his road to recovery. 100% money back guarantee that this will inspire you. 

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