

Here's a pic from an epic hill run up a ski slope! Functional fitness fo sho. Momentum was definitely not on my side there.

Momentum is doing pretty well for the project though!
Finally broke 1K views, courtesy of Liam Doyle's reddit post. As more people clicked the link, I saw there were a lot of views from our  neighbor to the north. Shoutout to Canada, you guys keep doing you, eh!
Also, the shirt has been launched! Right now I'm calling it the Barbull shirt... Open to suggestions though...

You can find the sign-up sheet here


Another brutal track workout today... I'm seeing that what I thought was a strength is really a weakness. I guess it's like that sometimes.

- 500m
- 400m
- 400m
- 400m
- 400m
- 400m

Total: 2500

I, along with everyone who witnessed the events, thought I was going to die. Luckily not. 
I honestly would not have been able to mentally or physically finish the workout without the 400 squad pulling me through. Like I said in a couple posts, sometimes you rely on the team. This is why I love Crossfit and track so much - even though they are individual sports when it comes down to it, the team aspect of everything makes everything more enjoyable. Or just suck less when it gets tough. 

After we all peeled ourselves off the ground post-workout, a couple of us stayed and talked about food, of all things. It was uncannily similar to Dinner of Champions... Performance is nutrition based.  Of the 3/4 of the 4x400 relay team that were in attendance at the pow-wow, all three of us agreed on that. Eat well. If it isn't going to help your performance, it's probably not the wisest thing to eat. (Unless it happens to be Nutella, which is its own food group and does in fact serve a key role in developing upper-level athletic performance.)

I don't know about you guys that are coming over on Saturday, but I'm stoked. Check out last night's post if you missed it, it has some good info on preparing for the squats. 

Here's a brilliant article from Mainsite today about the L1 course I mentioned a few posts ago. 6 pages seems like a lot, but if you read just the last two, they're awesome for understanding some of the stuff I have going on at the gym. Give it a browse!

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